Title | Content Level | Science Concepts / Keywords | Quantitative Concepts / Statistics | Graph Type(s) | Variable Type(s) | Data Type(s) |
Dangerously bold | 1 | animals, animal behavior, tradeoff, fish, predation, biological significance | percent, standard error (SE), predictions | bar | categorical | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
Coral bleaching and climate change | 1 | climate change, coral reef, marine, mutualism, temperature, animals, algae, adaptation, evolution | ratio | bar | categorical | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
Won’t you be my urchin? | 1 | coral reef, herbivory, marine, sea urchin, water, animals, competition, food web | mean, models, standard error (SE), standard deviation (SD) | bar | categorical | raw |
Springing forward | 1 & 3 | climate change, phenology, plants, temperature | mean, standard error (SE), Julian date | bar | categorical | summarized, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Do urchins flip out in hot water? | 1 & 3 | animals, climate change, marine, heatwaves, urchins, behavior, invertebrates, environmental change | average, mean, standard error, calculation | bar | categorical, continuous | summarized, two levels available, |
Do insects prefer local or foreign foods? | 2 | herbivory, invasive species, plants, insects, enemy release, ecology | mean, variance, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE), confidence intervals (CI), predictions | bar | categorical | summarized, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Spiders under the influence | 2 | animals, invertebrates, habitat, chemical pollution, aquatic, streams, scientist profile | mean, multiple variables | multiple bar | categorical | full dataset, students summarize |
Do invasive species escape their enemies? | 2 | herbivory, invasive species, plants, insects, enemy release, ecology | mean, percent | bar | categorical | summarized |
Lake Superior Rhythms | 2 | amplitude, aquatic, atmosphere, environmental, physics, student research, wave period, waves | cycle, sine wave, amplitude, change over time | sine wave | continuous | summarized, full dataset available |
All washed up? The effect of floods on cutthroat trout | 2 | animals, disturbance, ecology, fish, water, stream, floods, alternative hypotheses, limnology | regression, ratio, rate, graph choice, unnecessary variables, long-term data | scatter | continuous | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Float down the Kalamazoo River | 2 | Kalamazoo River, water, suspended solids, dam, reservoir, limnology | mean, ratio, rate, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE), Julian date, unnecessary variables | bar, line | categorical, continuous | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
Finding a foothold | 2 | animals, ecology, marine, substrate, water | frequency, proportion | bar | categorical | summarized |
Is chocolate for the birds? | 2 | experimental design, agriculture, animals, birds, biodiversity, rainforest, succession, disturbance, transect, habitat | addition, unnecessary variables | bar | categorical | raw, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Fish fights | 2 | animal behavior, animals, fish, mating | mean, proportion, regression | scatter | continuous | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
Marvelous mud | 2 | ecology, environmental, fertilization, mud, phosphorus, substrate, water, wetland, limnology | percent, regression, graph choice | scatter | continuous | summarized |
Which guy should she choose? | 2 | animal behavior, animals, fish, mating | frequency, regression, correlation vs. causation | scatter | continuous | raw, summarized |
Sexy smells | 2 | adaptation, animal behavior, animals, birds, mating | percent, regression, correlation vs. causation | scatter | continuous | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Shooting the poop | 2 | adaptation, animal behavior, animals, insects, predation, alternative hypotheses | mean, standard error (SE) | bar | categorical | raw |
Invasive reeds in the salt marsh | 2 | disturbance, invasive species, plants, wetland, limnology, transect | mean, percent | bar | categorical | raw, summarized |
A tail of two scorpions | 2 | animal behavior, animals, predation | addition, proportion, ratio, graph choice | bar, stacked bar, pie chart | categorical | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Green crabs: invaders in the Great Marsh | 2 | animals, invasive species, substrate, wetland, erosion, limnology | addition, range, map | map | categorical, spatial | raw, summarized |
Guppies on the move | 2 | animals, aquatics, behavior, ecology, genetics, migration, movement, tropics | regression | line, scatter | categorical, continuous | raw, full dataset available |
The birds of Hubbard Brook, Part I | 2 | animals, biodiversity, birds, climate change, succession, disturbance, ecology | count, long-term data | line, scatter | continuous | raw, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Beetle battles | 2 | adaptation, animals, behavior, competition, evolution, insects, mating | standard error (SE) | bar | categorical | summarized |
How do brain chemicals influence who wins a fight? | 2 | animals, behavior, competition, insects, aggression, brain chemistry, physiology | mean | bar | categorical | raw, summarized |
Deadly windows | 2 | animals, animal behavior, birds, environmental, urban, alternative hypotheses | addition, proportion | bar | categorical | summarized |
Which would a woodlouse prefer? | 2 | experimental design, animals, behavior, ecology, predation | count, Chi-square test, replication, sample size | bar | categorical | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Tree-killing beetles | 2 | animals, biodiversity, disturbance, ecology, environmental, insects, plants | mean, percent, proportion, regression | scatter | continuous | summarized |
Alien life on Mars – caught in crystals? | 2 | astrobiology, salt, solution, Mars, extraterrestrial life, chemistry, physical science | mean, time series | line | continuous | summarized, visual, full dataset available |
Beetle, it’s cold outside! | 2 | animals, climate change, ectotherm, insects, temperature | mean, standard error (SE), models | line | continuous | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
Can a salt marsh recover after restoration? | 2 | disturbance, salinity, transect, invasive species, plants, wetland, restoration, limnology | mean, percent, frequency | bar, line | continuous | summarized |
Fast weeds in farmer’s fields | 2 | evolution, adaptation, agriculture, plants, fitness, heredity, genetics | frequency, percent, mean, replication, sample size, unnecessary variables | bar, scatter | continuous, categorical | summarized |
The carbon stored in mangrove soils | 2 | carbon, climate change, disturbance, ecology, environmental, nutrients, greenhouse gasses, plants, transect | proportion, mean, unnecessary variables | bar | continuous, categorical | summarized |
Where to find the hungry, hungry herbivores | 2 | herbivory, plants, insects, ecology, latitude, longitude | regression, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE) | scatter | continuous | summarized |
A window into a tree’s world | 2 | climate change, dendrochronology, ecology, plants, temperature | mean, relative growth, graph choice, regression, correlation vs. causation, trend line, | line, scatter | continuous, categorical | summarized |
Corals in a strange place | 2 | adaptation, coral reef, mangrove, morphology, structure and function | visual data, count | bar, stacked bar, pie chart | continuous | summarized, full dataset available |
Mangroves on the move | 2 | climate change, disturbance, ecology, environmental, fertilization, nitrogen, nutrients, phosphorus, plants | mean, standard error (SE) | bar | categorical, continuous | summarized |
Getting to the roots of serpentine soil | 2 | soil, plasticity, limiting factors, plants, ecology, scientist profile | mean, range, standard deviation | bar | continuous, categorical | summarized |
Little butterflies on the prairie | 2 | butterflies, prairie strips, prairie, agriculture, crops, farmers, animals, ecology, scientist team | Pollard Walk, transect, abundance, count, mean, long-term data, T-test | bar | continuous | summarized, full dataset available |
Blinking out? | 2 | agriculture, insects, population, ecology, biodiversity, fireflies, scientist profile | moving window, long-term data, standardize, sampling effort, division, count, unnecessary variables | line, scatter | continuous, categorical | summarized, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Buried seeds, buried treasure | 2 | germination, plants, seed bank, seed viability, scientist profile | long-term data, trend | scatter | continuous | raw |
Mowing for monarchs, Part I | 2 | community science, citizen science, animals, behavior, biodiversity, community science, disturbance, ecology, plants, insects, alternative hypotheses | average, time, rate, fraction | bar | categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
A difficult drought | 2 | agriculture, biofuels, climate change, plants, carbon, fermentation, ethanol, chemistry | mean, range, variability, replication, sample size | bar | continuous, categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
Mowing for monarchs, Part II | 2 | community science, citizen science, animals, behavior, biodiversity, community science, disturbance, ecology, plants, insects, predation, alternative hypotheses | average, time, rate, fraction | bar | categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
Does more rain make healthy bison babies? | 2 | animals, ecology, keystone species, plants, prairie, precipitation | mean, time, regression, long-term data, unnecessary variables | line, scatter | continuous | summarized, full dataset available |
Benthic buddies | 2 | adaptation, animals, arctic, biodiversity, ecology, environmental, invertebrates, lagoons, marine | mean | bar | categorical | summarized |
Did you hear that? Inside the world of fruit fly mating songs | 2 | animals, insect, process of science, reproducibility, communication, volume, social, behavior | calculations, index, standard deviation, average, replicate | bar | categorical, continuous | summarized |
A burning question | 2 | biodiversity, canopy, ecology, fire ecology, forest, human impact, keystone species, land management, natural resources | average, time | bar | categorical, continuous | summarized |
Are plants more toxic in the tropics? | 3 | herbivory, diversity, plants, insects, ecology, adaptation, chemistry | standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE), index, formula | bar | categorical | summarized |
Does a partner in crime make it easier to invade? | 3 | legume, plants, mutualism, rhizobia, invasive species, soil, scientist profile | mean | bar | categorical | summarized |
Fair traders or freeloaders? | 3 | evolution, legume, plants, mutualism, rhizobia, nitrogen, fertilization | mean, standard error (SE) | bar | categorical | summarized |
Fertilizing biofuels may cause release of greenhouse gasses | 3 | agriculture, biofuels, climate change, fertilization, greenhouse gases, nitrogen, plants | regression | scatter | continuous | summarized, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
The ground has gas! | 3 | climate change, temperature, greenouse gases, nitrogen, plants | regression | scatter | continuous | raw, summarized, full dataset available |
Growing energy: comparing biofuel crop biomass | 3 | agriculture, biofuels, climate change, fertilization, plants, carbon | mean, standard error (SE) | bar | categorical | summarized |
Microbes facing tough times | 3 | drought, enzymes, microbes, mutualist, agriculture, climate change, crops | mean, standard deviation, negative values | bar | continuous | summarized |
How the cricket lost its song, Part I | 3 | adaptation, animal behavior, animals, rapid evolution, mating, parasitism, scientist profile | percent | bar | categorical | raw, summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
The mystery of Plum Island Marsh | 3 | fertilization, fish, food web, marine, mollusk, water, wetland, limnology | mean | bar | categorical | raw |
Invasion meltdown | 3 | climate change, ecology, invasive species, plants, temperature | mean, range, replication, sample size | bar | categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
Is your salt marsh in the zone? | 3 | climate change, ecology, plants, sea level rise, substrate, wetland, limnology | mean | bar | categorical | raw |
Lizards, iguanas, and snakes! Oh my! | 3 | animals, biodiversity, disturbance, restoration, urban, transect | count, addition | bar | categorical | raw |
What do trees know about rain? | 3 | climate change, dendrochronology, ecology, plants, precipitation, temperature, water | mean, formula, equation, addition, multiplication | line | continuous | raw, full dataset available |
CSI: Crime Solving Insects | 3 | animals, insects, parasitism | weighted mean | bar | categorical | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Does sea level rise harm saltmarsh sparrows? | 3 | animals, birds, sea level rise, climate change, disturbance, ecology, wetland, limnology | mean, standard deviation (SD) | line | continuous | summarized |
Keeping up with the sea level | 3 | climate change, disturbance, ecology, sea level rise, plants, substrate, wetland, limnology | formula, equation, rate | line, scatter | continuous, categorical | raw |
The birds of Hubbard Brook, Part II | 3 | animals, biodiversity, birds, climate change, succession, disturbance, habitat, ecology | count, long-term data | line, scatter | continuous, categorical | raw, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
How the cricket lost its song, Part II | 3 | adaptation, animal behavior, animals, rapid evolution, mating, parasitism, scientist profile | mean | bar | categorical | raw, summarized. Digital Data Nugget |
Feral chickens fly the coop | 3 | adaptation, animals, behavior, birds, ecology, evolution, invasive species, mating, heredity, genetics | proportion, percent | bar | categorical | raw, summarized |
Raising Nemo: Parental care in the clown anemonefish | 3 | animals, behavior, coral reef, ecology, fish, marine, mating, tradeoff, plasticity, scientist profile | mean, standard error (SE) | bar | categorical | raw |
When a species can’t stand the heat | 3 | animals, climate change, disturbance, ecology, environmental, mating, temperature, sex ratio | addition, percent, ratio, regression | scatter | continuous | raw, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Are you my species? | 3 | adaptation, animals, behavior, biodiversity, competition, evolution, fish, mating | formula, equation, addition, subtraction, division, regression | scatter | continuous | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Marsh makeover | 3 | bodiversity, disturbance, ecology, greenhouse gases, mud, plants, restoration, wetland, limnology | standard error (SE) | bar, line | categorical | raw, summarized |
To bee or not to bee aggressive | 3 | animals, behavior, genes, insects, tradeoff, plasticity, aggression | mean, effect size, percent change, range | bar | categorical | summarized, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Why are butterfly wings colorful? | 3 | adaptation, animals, insects, models, predation, alternative hypotheses | fraction, proportion, probability | bar | categorical | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
City parks: wildlife islands in a sea of cement | 3 | animals, biodiversity, ecology, urban, island biogeography, parks, camera trap | Shannon Wiener Index, formula, equation, sum, proportion, regression | scatter | continuous | summarized, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Is it better to be bigger? | 3 | adaptation, animals, evolution, predation, natural selection | mean, percent, rate, regression | scatter | continuous | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
Is it dangerous to be a showoff? | 3 | adaptation, animals, evolution, predation, tradeoff, natural selection | percent, rate, regression | scatter | continuous, categorical | summarized |
What big teeth you have! Sexual selection in rhesus macaques | 3 | adaptation, animals, evolution, sexual selection, sexual dimorphism, scientist profile | mean, standard deviation (SD) | bar | continuous, categorical | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Bringing back the Trumpeter Swan | 3 | animals, biodiversity, birds, ecology, environmental, restoration | mean, long-term data, count | line | continuous, categorical | raw, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Are forests helping in the fight against climate change? | 3 | climate change, carbon, ecology, greenhouse gasses, photosynthesis, plants, decomposition, respiration | regression, long-term data | scatter | continuous | raw |
Can biochar improve crop yields? | 3 | agriculture, environmental, fertilization, plants, soil, water, biochar, carbon | percent, mean, standard deviation (SD), yield, replication, sample size, randomization | bar | continuous, categorical | summarized |
Hold on for your life! Part I | 3 | adaptation, animals, disturbance, evolution, natural selection, genetic drift, hurricane, biological significance, alternative hypotheses | argumentation, mean, standard error (SE) | bar | continuous, categorical | summarized |
Hold on for your life! Part II | 3 | adaptation, animals, disturbance, evolution, natural selection, genetic drift, hurricane | argumentation, visual data | visual | raw, photo, video | |
Testing the tolerance of invasive plants | 3 | ecology, herbivory, invasive species, plants, tolerance | statistical interaction, mean, standard error (SE) | bar | categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
Picky eaters: Dissecting poo to examine moose diets | 3 | animal behavior, animals, ecology, foraging, herbivory, parks, predator-prey | 1:1 line, proportion, mean, unnecessary variables | scatter | continuous, categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
Candid camera: capturing the secret lives of carnivores | 3 | animals, biodiversity, carnivores, ecology, island biogeography, richness, camera trap, parks | regression | map, scatter | continuous | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
Crunchy or squishy? How El Niño events change zooplankton | 3 | algae, animals, marine, El Niño | outlier, correlation vs. causation, unnecessary variables | line, scatter | continuous | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Streams as sensors: Arctic watersheds as indicators of change | 3 | climate change, ecology, environmental, carbon, nitrogen, permafrost, limnology | unnecessary variables, regression, long-term data | scatter | continuous | summarized |
The end of winter as we’ve known it? | 3 | climate change, ice cover | Julian date, mean, regression, messiness, variability | scatter | continuous | summarized, full dataset available, Digital Data Nugget |
Working to reduce the plastics problem | 3 | plastics, synthetic materials, chemistry, biodegradable, elastomer, polymer, monomer, stress, strain, physical science | percent, ratio | line | continuous | summarized |
Limit by limit: Nutrients control algal growth in Arctic streams | 3 | nitrogen, nutrients, phosphorus, nutrient limitation, law of the minimum, Arctic, limnology | response ratio, graph choice, standard deviation (SD) | bar | categorical | summarized |
To reflect, or not to reflect, that is the question | 3 | albedo, arctic, climate change, environmental, ice, temperature, water | equation, unnecessary variables, regression | line, scatter | continuous | summarized |
How milkweed plants defend against monarch butterflies | 3 | herbivory, evolution, coevolution, plants, insects, ecology, scientist profile | mean, regression, best fit line, trend line, multiple dependent variables, messiness, outlier | line, scatter | continuous | summarized |
Purring crickets: The evolution of a new cricket song | 3 | adaptation, animal behavior, animals, rapid evolution, mating, parasitism, scientist profile | mean, percent, Chi-square test | bar | categorical | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Round goby, skinny goby | 3 | local adaptation, animals, biodiversity, rapid evolution, fish, Great Lakes, habitat, invasive species, Kalamazoo River | mean, standard error, replication, sample size | bar | categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
David vs. Goliath | 3 | aggression, animals, behavior, brain chemistry, competition, insects, physiology, biological significance | frequency, proportion, percent, unnecessary variables | bar | categorical | raw, summarized |
Size matters - and so does how you carry it! | 3 | adaptation, animals, evolution, insects, sexual selection, tradeoffs | residuals, trend, multiple graphs, standardize | scatter, line | continuous | raw, summarized, full dataset available |
Do you feel the urban heat? | 3 | urban, climate change, extreme heat, environmental justice, human impacts, socioeconomic, sensors | maximum, minimum, averages, time, baseline | multiple line | continuous, categorical | summarized |
Ant wars! | 3 | aggression, animals, behavior, competition, insects | density, ratio, percent, regression, count | bar, line, scatter | continuous | raw, summarized |
Salty sediments? What bacteria have to say about chloride pollution | 3 | bacteria, chemistry, disturbance, environmental, microbes, pollution, salt, urban, water, habitat, time, toxicity | mean, concentration | bar | categorical | summarized |
Going underground to investigate carbon locked in soils | 3 | climate change, ecology, environmental, greenhouse gasses, soil carbon, microbes, chemistry | mean, standard deviation (SD), regression, best fit line, trend line, correlation vs. causation | line, scatter | continuous | summarized |
Nitrate: Good for plants, bad for drinking water | 3 | agriculture, environmental, fertilization, nitrogen, soil, water, plants, human health | mean, time, date, Julian date, concentration | line, scatter | continuous, categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
Trees and the city | 3 | biodiversity, ecology, environmental justice, social demographics, urban | spatial data analysis, percent, binned data, average, median, histogram | multiple scatter, spatial map | continuous | spatial, summarized, full dataset available |
Collaborative cropping: Can plants help each other grow? | 3 | agriculture, environmental, plants, crops | replicates, correlation vs. causation, regression, trend | multiple scatter | continuous | raw |
The sound of seagrass | 3 | acoustics, sound, photosynthesis, marine, productivity, decibels, physics | average, mean, standard deviation, trend, time | multiple scatter, line | continuous | summarized |
Which tundra plants will win the climate change race? | 3 | climate change, nutrients, long-term data, competition, plants, ecology | mean, trend, time, series, control, long-term data | line | continuous | summarized |
The prairie burns with desire | 3 | ecology, prairie, plants, fire ecology, human impact, reproduction, land management | trend, time, multiple plots, multiple variables, long-term data, proportion, average | scatter, line | continuous | summarized, full dataset available |
Seagrass survival in a super salty lagoon | 3 | climate change, ecology, environmental, long-term, marine, plants, salinity | double y-axis, trend, time, multiple variables | scatter | continuous | summarized |
Sink or source? How grazing geese impact the carbon cycle | 3 | carbon cycle, Arctic, wetlands, primary production, photosynthesis, respiration, climate change, birds, ecosystem | equation, calculation, subtraction, negative values, source, sink | bar | categorical, continuous | summarized |
Poop, poop, goose! | 3 | wetlands, Arctic, carbon cycle, climate change, disturbance, ecology, environmental, greenhouse gasses, birds | mean, standard deviation (SD), flux | bar | categorical | summarized |
Too hot to help? Friendship in a changing climate | 3 | mutualism, algae, coral, genotype, photosynthesis, respiration, climate change | calculations, negative values, net, mean, average, standard error | bar | categorical, continuous | summarized |
Does the heat turn caterpillars into cannibals? | 3 | animal behavior, insect, virus, disease ecology, temperature, cannibalism, caterpillar | calculation, percents | bar | categorical, continuous | summarized |
A plant breeder’s quest to improve perennial grain | 4 | genetics, artificial selection, DNA, selective breeding, phenotype, genotype, nucleotides, sequencing | calculations, average, predictions, standard error, standard deviation, | bar | continuous, categorical | supplemental activity available, |
Cheaters in nature – when is a mutualism not a mutualism? | 4 | evolution, legume, plants, mutualism, parasitism, rhizobia, nitrogen, fertilization | mean, standard error (SE) | bar | categorical | summarized |
Dangerous aquatic prey: can predators adapt to toxic algae? | 4 | adaptation, algae, evolution, marine, predation | mean | bar | categorical | summarized |
Salmon in hot water | 4 | adaptation, animals, climate change, evolution, fish, genes, genome, temperature, DNA, heredity, genetics, QTL | mean | line | continuous | summarized |
Urbanization and estuary eutrophication | 4 | algae, eutrophication, fertilization, marine, nitrogen, phosphorus, wetland, urban, photosynthesis, respiration, limnology | mean, standard error (SE), subtraction, model | bar | categorical | raw |
How to escape a predator | 4 | adaptation, animal behavior, animals, predation, physiology | mean, standard error (SE) | bar | categorical | raw, summarized |
The flight of the stalk-eyed fly | 4 | physics, moment of intertia, adaptation, animals, flight, physiology | mean, standard error (SE), formula, equation, multiplication | continuous | summarized | |
Make way for mummichogs | 4 | animals, biodiversity, disturbance, fish, restoration, wetland, limnology | mean | bar, line | continuous | raw, summarized |
The Arctic is melting – so what? | 4 | climate change, marine, temperature, water, weather, ice, Arctic, albedo | percent, models | diagram | categorical, modeled data | summarized |
Gene expression in stem cells | 4 | gene expression, genes, stem cells, DNA, genetics, human health | mean | bar | categorical | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
Bon Appétit! Why do male crickets feed females during courtship? | 4 | adaptation, animals, behavior, competition, insects, mating, feeding, alternative hypotheses, scientist profile | count, proportion, regression, multiple regression, unnecessary variables | scatter | continuous | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Winter is coming! Can you handle the freeze? | 4 | ecology, evolution, genes, plants, local adaptation, QTL | percent, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE) | bar, line | categorical | raw, summarized |
Finding Mr. Right | 4 | animals, animal behavior, biodiversity, birds, evolution, genes, mating, local adaptation | mean | bar | categorical | raw |
Why so blue? The determinants of color pattern in killifish, Part I | 4 | adaptation, animals, biodiversity, evolution, fish, genes, mating, heredity, genetics, close reading activity | mean, standard deviation (SD), standarad error (SE) | bar | categorical | raw, summarized |
Why so blue? The determinants of color pattern in killifish, Part II | 4 | adaptation, animals, biodiversity, evolution, fish, genes, mating, heredity, genetics | mean, standard deviation (SD), standarad error (SE) | bar | categorical | raw, summarized |
Sticky situations: big and small animals with sticky feet | 4 | adaptation, animals, biomimicry, chemistry, physics, scale | mean, ratio, multiplication, formula, equation, surface area, mass, volume | scatter - logarithmic axes | continuous | summarized |
When whale I sea you again? | 4 | climate change, marine, temperature, water, whales, DNA, PCR, sex ratio | fraction, percent, ratio | line, stacked bar | continuous, categorical | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
The case of the collapsing soil | 4 | climate change, carbon, ecology, plants, phosphorus, sea level rise, respiration, substrate, wetland, limnology | regression, concentration | scatter | continuous | raw, Digital Data Nugget |
Clique wars: social conflict in daffodil cichlids | 4 | animal behavior, animals, competition, fish | count, standard deviation (SD), standarad error (SE) | bar | categorical | summarized, Digital Data Nugget |
Fishy origins | 4 | community science, citizen science, DNA, evolution, fish, PCR, marine, microsatellites | percent, proportion, addition, division | bar, stacked bar | continuous, categorical | raw |
Fertilizer and fire change microbes in prairie soil | 4 | biodiversity, diversity, grassland, microbes, plants, prairie, soil | unnecessary variables, Shannon Wiener Index, mean | bar | continuous, categorical | summarized |
Breathing in, Part I | 4 | photosynthesis, carbon accumulation, carbon sequestration, climate change, forest, habitat | mean, confidence, global database | bar | continuous, categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
Breathing in, Part 2 | 4 | climate change, photosynthesis, respiration, carbon, climate model | precision, percent, model prediction, mean, calculation, equation | bar | continuous, categorical | summarized, full dataset available |
Stop that oxidation! What fruit flies teach us about human health | 4 | insects, model species, cell biology, genetics, cellular processes, oxidation, genetics, scientist profile | mean | bar | continuous, categorical | raw, summarized |
Love that dirty water | 4 | environmental, urban, water, GIS, landscapes, impervious surfaces, ecosystem services, land acknowledgement, human health | model, web-tool, simulation, percent change, calculation, map | bar, line, map | categorical, continuous | summarized |
Trees and bushes, home sweet home for warblers | 4 | animals, biodiversity, disturbance, ecology, birds, succession, transect, habitat | regression, best fit line, trend line, percent | scatter | continuous | summarized |
Changing climates in the Rocky Mountains | 4 | citizen science, climate change, community science, ecology, environmental, plants, precipitation, temperature | mean, trend, time | line, double y-axis | continuous, categorical | summarized, photo |
Surviving the flood | 4 | disturbance, urban, stream, floods, photosynthesis, respiration, stormwater | reference line, percent, negative values, additional variables, difference, unnecessary variables, outlier | scatter, line | continuous | raw, summarized |
Eavesdropping on the ocean/ | 4 | acoustic ecology, physics, whales technology, mammals, marine biology, renewable energy, population, human impact | proportions, calculation, detections | scatter, bar | categorical, continuous | summarized, full dataset available |