Survey for teachers using Data Nuggets!

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You are invited to participate in this online survey about whether you are using Data Nuggets in your classroom, and if so, what students have gained from using this educational resource. The survey will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete. This survey is anonymous and voluntary; your personal information will not be attached to your responses. At the end of the survey you will be asked about your interest in the classroom-based research study we will conduct in 2017. If you indicate that you are interested in the classroom-based study we will use your email address to provide you with more information about that study.

The findings from this survey will be used to:

  1. Inform future development of Data Nuggets
  2. Design research to test the efficacy of Data Nuggets in improving students’ scientific and quantitative literacy

Click here to begin the survey!

Please complete the survey by February 1stShould you have any questions about the study or the procedures, you may contact Molly Stuhlsatz at

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