Data Nuggets funded for a second year by BEACON!

Thank you to BEACON for providing Data Nuggets with a second year of funding! This funding will allow us to accomplish a number of goals important for strengthening the Data Nuggets and bringing them to the national level. By increasing the linkages between science and math disciplines, Data Nuggets will benefit teachers in this changing academic climate. In order to develop and disseminate Data Nuggets as a national-level educational tool, we will use BEACON funds to:

  1. Integrate “data levels” into existing writing and graphing levels to help students move through a quantitative learning progression and increase evolutionary understanding.
  2. Develop writing and data extensions to promote use of Data Nuggets at the undergraduate level, including making large evolution and ecology datasets available for classroom use.
  3. Administer assessments developed at the NIMBioS working group and publish findings.

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